Mar 28Liked by Jennifer Chandler

I have learned to trust the experts who say the same thing over and over. Draw everyday, paint everyday. Write everyday. One person said it is not what we think up but what we put down and that made a lot of sense to me. This is where I get stuck but I plow through and do the work and it pays off. I am slowly seeing break through and will keep on.

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So, so true. Even if we can only write one sentence, that's one more sentence than we had yesterday. I also find that if I just commit to sit down and START, more often than not, the words come. They might not be the best words, but they're words. I can edit words; I can't edit a blank page :)

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Mar 28Liked by Jennifer Chandler

One piece of advice has always stuck with me. You can't call out of your job just cause you don't feel like you want to work that day. Same with writing. Just because you don't feel like writing doesn't mean you can call out on that day. Keep going. Keep writing .

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This is so, so true! Just because I don't "feel" like writing, doesn't mean the story doesn't need to be written. Just keep putting words into the document and you'll soon have a complete story. Great advice!

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I am in agreement with Arthur Dent this week, but this post lifted some of my dusty, musty thoughts and encouraged me to leave out a bowl of flowers and pick up a pen to write. Plus, that idea of mafia fairies, there's something delightful there. The Wild Hunt in Brooklyn, with dapper suits, and sinister curses only thwarted by a random act of kindness from a stranger...

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I'm so glad this little post helped in any way :)

Mafia Fairies. The minute I wrote about them I thought, "Hmmm...there's something there..." and now you've sparked the idea further! I'm definitely down for fiddle playing. You know, while the city burns... lol!

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And maybe some fiddle playing... I feel like there's a playlist for this.

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